
The OTHER SIDE of "Destiny"

While walking my way to the office I still have time to think outside the box and just today I realized that there’s no such thing as…


What made me think that way?  Almost four months of being independent and working my arse off triggers what I called “reality button”.  The phenomenon outweighs and even cancelled out some of my in-born beliefs creating a huge paradigm shift.

I used to believe in destiny until today…
I thought even though I made mistakes, destiny will be there to correct it…
That in the end what’s meant to happen will eventually happen…
After all that’s how destiny works, right?

But after contemplating on this, I realized that destiny does not exist.  Because if it did exist, then that would lead us into utter dependency to the point of not moving forward[do something] and just wait for it to happen BUT in reality it is YOU who makes the choice and the one who will bear the end result whether it is positive or negative.  If it’s the latter I speak, we’ll perceive it as…

…“Lessons learned the HARD WAY.”  And all we can do is face it, bear with it until our lives is sucked out of us without mercy.

Don’t leave it to DESTINY; it’s just a concept so we can have something to be positive about when everything turns sour.

It’s YOU who makes your own destiny let alone that thought sink in your head…
Destiny could be pretty tricky so hold on, and try to walk the path you created and if needed, go against the non-existent current called “Destiny”.

Patience is not just “waiting” for something to happen, it can also be the time you never know you needed so you can further think things out.  Patience goes with FAITH, ‘coz basically you’re waiting for something without the assurance that it will surely knocks right at your door step.

P.S super late post ^^, I decided to post it today 'coz I'm feeling all the negative energy coming out so might as well contradict it and made something to divert my thoughts. Anyway till then folks~~~


I’ve been timid for a while, trying to compress all my raging emotions.  But today I’ve had enough, I blurted out all of my bitterness and frustrations…well not exactly to the subject of my negative feelings but at least it feels great to free all those unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions.

HOWEVER! Something doesn’t feel right, not unless I shout directly to their faces how horrible the environment is with their presence [in there] polluting it.  It suffocates me and I just want OUT!!!

The once I thought a healthy workplace turns into a toxic dungeon.  I don’t know how else I can deal with this kind of surrounding.

Imagine every morning you’ll encounter a walking object of (annoying) perfection, high as the cloud your majesties, and a whole bunch of inconsiderate/insensitive troop of tech-freaks…how great can it be? *insert sarcasm* >:D

I’m running out of reason to continue with this forsaken path and somewhere my enthusiasm and drive to work completely depleted.  I’m DOOMED and DONE FOR ahuhuhu