
[Entry: August 12, 2015]

Hey! It’s me again ^^, right now I’m currently listening to Darren Espanto’s “Stuck” and there’s this one particular line that got my attention ‘coz basically I felt that way. The said lyric goes like this “I’m silently hoping you’ll end up with me.” >///< Right after that song came Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are”, which reminds me he don’t mind if I’m chubby and have stubby legs. Haha sometimes I wonder if he have poor eyesight or just because we’re friends that he won’t say any negative comments about me haha whatever it is…I appreciate that he never did mention or took notice of my imperfections.

Now getting to what this post is all about…

What are the indications that a certain someone is INLOVE?
*Dub! Dub! Dub!* Well base on my observation here are some instances that proves, YOU ARE INLOVE, ^0^)/

  1. Without noticing, you started singing different love songs given that you usually don’t do that! Like out of the blue you sang, “Mahal Kita Pero”, “I’ll Be” or “You’re Still the One”…Heck! Those are just some of cheesy songs I’ve ever heard and definitely a sign of being inlove.
  2. You start smiling more often well maybe just the thought of him and your times together flashback in your head. At this point others will think you’re losing your sanity, well who wouldn’t? For someone who smiles like an idiot while staring blankly to an open space, girl you do have some mental issues if it ain’t LOVE. 
  3.   One day someone will notice something has changed that they can’t point out, is it something that you wear? Your make up perhaps? They way you walk? You just smile it off and *ting* they’ll figure out how blooming you appear in their very eyes while you sure as hell you haven’t done anything. I’m telling you it’s the vibes! You’re giving off some weird aura like your feelings is actually visible with hearts in shades of red and pink. Kind of gross but that’s how it works  XD

That would be all, till then~

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